¡Ü To submit your manuscript, the authors are the member of KSMTE and the submission fee (₩50,000) must be paid
when you submit the manuscript
¡Ü The manuscript for peer review has to be made through PDF and HWP (Font size 11pt). Please check to make sure
your manuscript has been prepared in accordance to the relevant guidelines. The manuscript has to contain Title,
Abstract (max 150 words), Keywords (4~6), Main text, Conclusions, and References. However, the authors’
information has not to be shown. The peer review will take around 8 weeks.
¡Ü The accepted manuscript has to be fully revised and resubmit with the KSMTE journal format (HWP or MS Word).
The publication fee will be charged.
- Normal publication (1~8 pages) fee : ₩200,000
- Over 9 pages : add ₩30,000/page
- Expedited publication fee : add 50% of normal publication fee